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Usability testing for commercial bank application

The client was concerned about the user experience rendered by its banking application. We propose usability testing to Identify and help address usability gaps in the application.

Our Activities

The project engaged UX designers/researchers, to perform user testing of the application



Conducted comprehensive research to understand the context and user tasks for the existing application to understand user pain points, build customer persona and craft user journeys


Usability Testing

Our team recommended and performed user testing of the application– to understand, record, observe, and analyze how users interacted with the application and the issues they faced.

Our Goals

Understand user context and pain points

Identify and address usability gaps

Analysis and recommendations



Scenario creation

A test scenario was constructed to lay out 4 key tasks for users to perform and user attributes were drafted.


Task performance test

A set of 5 users were invited to perform the tasks and share their thoughts talking out loud. Real-time observation was performed with observer tool.

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Data compilation,thorough analysis and recommendations followed to compile a report and define corrective actions.


Testing with real users gave real feedback, in the target user’s context of use. The test provided quantitative data such as average time taken per task, mouse clicks per task, number of errors per task.


Reduction in avoidable clicks were identified


Effort saving in action performed by users

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