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How to design a high-converting landing page

Is your landing page conveying the right message? 

Most of the businesses feel that their business website is just a medium for potential customers to check out their business online. In general, people have this perception that it’s just a digital brochure giving information about their business.

But in reality, your business website should be much more than that and is capable of doing much more than that.

When it comes to online presence, for any businesses, their website is more of an expense than a future investment.

 In this article, we have tried to cover simple steps that you can use to create effective high-converting landing pages.

1. Learn to speak user language, a language that matters for your users.

Focus on what matters to your customers and offer them a clear path forward. You need to tell people:

  • What do you do?
  • What do you offer?
  • How does that help your customers?
  • What do they need to do to take the next step forward?

All these are a call to action on your website. Your call to action should be clear and easily accessible. E.g. Schedule a consultation or give us a call anytime, not just learn more or contact us.

Most of the business owners don’t have a goal for their websites. It is important to have performance metrics and a goal-driven website.

2. Be Specific: Don’t put too much information 

Your potential customers don’t need a lot of information: 

There is a misconception that putting more information on your real estate website would be helpful in conversions. On the contrary, your potential customers don’t need too much information to make a decision.

We have seen websites full of content like a mission, vision statements, etc. The problem is this information might be important for you, it’s is not going to lead your customers to do business with you. Whenever you give too many choices to your customers, it leads to confusion and inaction on the customer’s part.

Remember less is more. Too many options will often confuse customers and make it difficult to make a decision.

Always include just enough information to persuade and lead your customers to a detailed section.

Always remember not everyone who is coming on your website is ready to buy yet so the next best thing you can do is to get them on your email list so that you can regularly follow up to convert them.

A short test: Whenever you are adding a piece of content on your website always ask, “Is this particular piece of information going to help us get real estate leads”.

3. Don’t treat your website as a personal social media manager:

A lot of people think that a website is a medium to get a bunch of social media followers. So they always request to keep the social media icons upfront and highlight them. People want to attract people to their website to grow their social media followers (Instagram, Facebook, etc,).

In actuality, you should try to drive traffic from social media to your website and not the other way around. Once people are on your website they are just one step away from either to be on your email list or perform your primary call to action. In this situation, you don’t want your users to redirect to social media and start checking out cat videos.

Tip– It is recommended to push your social media icons towards the footer of your website and not making them prominent by styling. They are there for a purpose but should not take a prominent place over your primary call to action on your real estate website.

4. Your marketing strategy is primary over Website builder platform

The content on your site and your strategy to generate more real estate leads are much more important than the framework on which you build your website. Always remember how you are going to communicate your message is the prime factor to sell your services.

Most of the users who are coming on your website are in research mode:

There is a misconception that if users can’t decide, they will come back. Truth is 95% of your site visitors will probably never come back to your website. It is a tough fact to digest but unless you make the most memorable impression or register them on your email list by offering a freebie, you are going to lose all those prospects.

So, it is important to come up with a transitional call to actins and have something to offer to your customers as a freebie to get them on board on your email list.

5. Your website shouldn’t be a cost but investment:

Your website should be a central hub of your all-digital marketing strategy. So instead of looking options which just focus on the look and feel of the website, take help from someone who has an understanding of sales and marketing as well.

6. Sharing is caring: Give people something valuable. This will help you to generate leads quickly.

Most of the people who are visiting your website are not ready to talk to you today so it is important to have a secondary call to action to built a list of valuable potential customers.

This free and valuable information is called a lead magnet. This builds trust and credibility.

80 to 90% of people coming to your website today are just checking things out they’re looking at their options they’re comparing.

“Always try to help people by creating values and they will become your customer”

7.User titles that are captivating and shot: People tend to scan on a digital medium rather than read. Put summary first and details to follow.

8. Use relevant and attractive visuals.

10. Page loading.

11.Design with mobile first approach.

12.Consistency: Keep your primary call to action 

13. Do the page content/images load quickly? Are images used are compressed and optimized for faster page loading.

In conclusion, your website is not just a digital brochure that gives information about your business. It’s the core of your digital marketing business. It depends on you how to use it to flourish your business.

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